Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Satyr's Thicket Episode 4- Doing it for Teh Lulz

I'm finally back with a new episode everyone! YAY! In this episode, I discuss why I think the lulz are important in life. Seriousness has it's place, but lulz I think are a tad bit more important as you will hear. I also mention something about Australia and Germany and how they both tie in to something that is very dear to my heart, very important to me. Of course there's the usual shout outs to the Crew of PCP and to Aiden Odinson, host of the Secrets In Plain Sight!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Okay so here's an update. I had recorded part of episode four but I was NOT happy with it. I had decided to redo it at a later date. Well, my computer decided it wanted to fuck up and so now it's in the shop again. I have also gotten very busy with school. I am now taking 5 college courses. I promise you I will have an episode to you all in a few weeks. I am very sorry for this long and unexpected hiatus.

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